It's Here!!

So, it is kinda hard to believe that it is all here!  The album, the website and this blog/news page!  The release of this project marks a milestone in my life that has been a long time coming!  It's a long story for another time but let's just say that God has been so good and His timing is perfect! My hope with "Majesty and Mystery" is that the songs will simply just be sung, by God's people, in God's presence for God's glory!  

I can't begin to be thankful enough for all of the help I had to make this project a reality! From musicianship, to production, to photo and video, I have had some amazingly talented people take part in this album to make it what it is!  It takes a village!

I am worship leader and at the end of the day, that is what I want to be found doing...leading people to see God's beauty. To see His greatness and His goodness!  My hope is that the songs will bless others as much as God has blessed me while writing and recoding them.  They all represent something I have discovered or have had to learn about Him along the way.  The good news for song writers like myself is that my God is infinite and I will never be done discovering His goodness so future material will never be a problem!

For now my prayer is that we would see just how Majestic and Mysterious our God is and that it would draw our hearts to praise.  I hope these songs will do just that!

Kurt Felsman Blog

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